Sunday, July 6, 2008


We spent our fourth of July with family AND friends. I started the day with a ride around Lacamas Lake and through the back country of Clark County with my friend Stacey. It was a perfect morning for a bike ride because there was zero traffic. We saw only a handful of cars. Aside from me tipping over into Stacey (long story) it was nice to stretch my legs and have some quiet time before all the festivities got going. When I got home the boys were all up and Ryan had his traditional yummy French Toast on the griddle. After breakfast and showers we headed over to W.L. to hike with Ryan's mom and dad (a tradition whenever we are in town for the fourth). It was gorgeous and really fun for the kids. We had lunch at their house and spent the afternoon visiting and picking raspberries. Jack said the funniest thing when we were picking berries. He called me over and in a really serious and urgent voice said "Mom, there are the best berries in this patch but they are trapped in all these stickery bushes!" After I laughed for a second I explained to him that those stickery bushes were the raspberry plants themselves. It was funny. In the late afternoon we crossed back over the river and hung out with friends from our old neighborhood. The boys were THRILLED to be on their old stomping ground as well as really excited that they were able to light some small fireworks themselves this year. (NOT my idea, talk to their dad) A.J. was forced to wear earmuffs and he was a little irritated at first, but quickly realized how much they helped once the big bangs started coming. He was a trooper and made it until about 10:30 when he finally had enough and fell asleep. I was happy when the kids were all tucked in around midnight and reflected on how grateful I am to live in this country and enjoy the freedom we have. I feel so sad for mothers who never get to see their children celebrate and enjoy their lives in the way that I got to see mine enjoy theirs today, what a blessing!


cjdustin said...

Looks like tons of fun! I'm sorry that we weren't in the "hood" when you were here to say hi. See ya soon!

Nick & Kerrie Andrews & Family said...

Alli, I love your blog! It's so cute! It's fun to see how big your boys are getting! I love the cute writing.. how did you get that font? I'm glad now.. I can keep up on you and your life! I sure love you guys! I love your hair by the way! ha! ha! It's way cute!

Stacey said...

Alli, thanks for coming out so early to are my true blue friend in that regard! Did you try that syrup? I loved skimming through your posts. You have such a beautiful life and family and it's nice to share it with those who care about you....or even those that just want to spy :> I love your border on your layout. Very chic.