Sunday, September 21, 2008


We took the boys to Cold Stone Friday night to celebrate a great week at school with all homework turned in on time, getting up on time etc... and well , even though A.J. doesn't go to school yet he got a treat too. It was dark outside and Ryan and I were chatting up a storm in the front (o.k. I was talking Ryan's ear off and he was listening as usual) and the older boys were glued to their D.S. games and too busy eating their own treats to pay attention to the absolute silence that was in the car seat next to them. When we got home and I opened the back door I found one little chocolate dipped dude with a HUGE grin on his face. I told Ryan to let him keep eating in the car seat ( the mess was made, so I figured what the heck!) while I dashed in the house to get the camera. He was more than happy to pose for a few pics. as he licked up every last drop of cake batter ice cream in that cup! Have I mentioned I am in love with this boy???

1 comment:

cjdustin said...

That is so funny! He has a look of pure bliss on his face. What a cute guy!