Thursday, September 4, 2008


The boys started school yesterday and I could not be more relieved! O.K. that did not come out right. I am not relieved that they are in school per say (although I was extraordinarily productive while they were away), but that the transition to a new school was flawless. They both had such great attitudes and I was thrilled that they seemed genuinely excited. They were truly superstars! It did help that both of them have a friend from church in their class and we attended "back to school night" the week before and met their teachers etc. They get on and off the bus at the end of our driveway which is awesome, and Jack just seems like he's been doing this school thing for years. A.J. cried when his brothers got on the bus, i think this really worried him. He kept on saying "Jack- Jack are you??" Caden is such a great big brother and I didn't worry for a minute that he would not sit with Jack on the bus and help him to his class. Alright maybe I worried just long enough to get in my truck and follow the bus to the school so I could make SURE my kindergartner got to his class. ( but isn't that normal??) Besides I needed to calm A.J. by showing him where the bus went and where exactly it was taking his brothers. Everyone was safely seated in their respective classes when the bell rang and I drove off thanking my lucky stars that my little men sucked up their nerves and embraced this new experience with enthusiasm. I love fall and I love these happy days with my boys.


cjdustin said...

I love your recent posts! Could the fire have been because of lack of sleep? You have made some great memories for your kids to remind you of when you are older. "Remember when mom started the house on fire??" And it's completely normal to follow your kids to school. I do it every year.

Stacey said...

Aren't you glad the bus comes right to your door? I bet you don't miss being the shuttle. I want to see more posts of your new home. Maybe you're waiting for the yard to get in. :>