Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This month has been busy, busy, but so fun. We celebrated Jack's 6th birthday, went to the beach, and braved the mud and rain at two of our favorite pumpkin patches. Jack got a bow and arrow set for his birthday which he was THRILLED out of his mind to receive and let his older brother know that he was going to have to ask him if he wanted to shoot it. (Jack is usually second to receive anything cool and the fact that he got this first was a feather in his cap) Our trip to Lincoln City was a perfect fall weekend. We had great weather, caught a glimpse of a kite show, ate Chowder at "Mo's" and gorged ourselves on Salt Water taffy. Of course the water was somewhere right above freezing, but that didn't stop the boys from playing in the waves up to their knees. Both days we went to the pumpkin patch (once as a family and once with Jack's kindergarten class) were kind of crummy weather wise. Even so, we had a good time. I always love this tradition and this time of year. Caden was really disappointed that we couldn't do the corn maze this year because the mud was no joke two feet deep. I think he quickly forgot about that thought once he had his perfect pumpkin and a hot elephant ear to snack on.

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