Saturday, January 10, 2009


One FHE ( our church leaders encourage us to spend one night a week together as a family and we call it family home evening) in December we always have a special dinner that we call "Shepherds dinner". We got the idea about 10 years ago from a friend in our old ward and have done it every year since then. On that night we eat a meal similar to what would have maybe been eaten by shepherds. We turn off all the lights in the house and sit on a blanket in front of the fire. We read stories and poems about shepherds and talk about what it would have been like to be a shepherd and to have seen the star that represented the birth of the Savior. It is always looked forward to and enjoyed by the boys, and super easy on me for a dinner in December!

1 comment:

cjdustin said...

I love this idea. Do you mind if I copy. I think the girls would really like it. You guys have done such a great job of establishing traditions.