Sunday, June 15, 2008


Jack graduated from pre-school this last week and it was bittersweet. He LOVED the two years he spent at Children's World of Music, and was looking forward to going to kindergarten there as well. However, when we moved out to the country I found the amount of driving I was doing to be oppressive. I knew that I could not keep it up for the entire next year, especially since we are not totally settled into the new place and there are a lot of things we still want to do to make it "home". I just never had a block of time to get anything accomplished with him having to be dropped off and picked up on the other side of town. Long story short, he will be going to public school with Caden next year instead of Children's World. He is excited to be able to ride the bus with his brother, but there was definitely some sadness on that very last day of pre-school. I am once again reminded how quickly the children are growing up with this milestone in Jacks life. Congratulation Jack-Jack we love you!

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