Sunday, June 15, 2008


I don't know the exact origin of Father's Day, but I am so glad we have this day to really reflect on our relationships with our dads. I am constantly thinking of both of my parents, but these special days devoted to them help me to reminisce about our history together, rather than just what is happening in our family presently. One of the things I love about my dad is that he is predictable. I never wonder what my dad will think about a given situation or how he will react. He is steady and consistent and those qualities have allowed me to trust him. The fact that he is usually always right helps too. I have always appreciated the respect he has shown for me and my other siblings as he has allowed us to live our own lives and make our own decisions. In addition to standing back and letting us fall down sometimes (which I am learning is one of the most difficult things about parenthood) he also allows us to "lie in the beds we have made for ourselves" until at last we realize for ourselves that we are really screwed up and we go to him for advice, guidance, and help. At that point he is always there. Even though sometimes he must be prodded by the ever protective and fiercely maternal Kathy, (our mother) he is there. He is generous and loyal and has always made me feel that I could do anything I put my mind to. Thanks for all the fun memories dad -the daddy daughter parties and dates, the days in the city at work with you, lunching at Salamugundi, the trips to Vail, D.C., London, Disney world/Disneyland, and Hawaii. Not to mention all the help and good advice you have offered me on spiritual matters and finances. I love you Dad and I appreciate the way you have embraced my husband and children and they way you continue to care for all of us. Happy Father's Day!

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