Monday, July 28, 2008


We had so much fun playing on, in, and around this little reservoir. The kids literally could have stayed here all week.
Mom's friend (same one who owns the dairy) let us use this family property for the day and it had it all! We picnicked, played tether ball, canoed, paddled boated, swung like monkeys from a variety of different tree swings, and balanced on the "tight rope". The older kids loved driving the golf cart (the fun ended when Caden crashed it into the garage, no damaged done except to the next cousin in line to drive), petting the salamanders (except my nephew Mason who fell into the salamander pond head first), and enjoying all the water activities. They even made some money when Grandma Kathy turned picking up cotton from Cottonwood trees into a game. Ten dollars for every grocery bag full (O.K. there was a lot of cotton) . They filled 5 or 6 bags!

1 comment:

cjdustin said...

Looks like your trip was so fun. I'm glad your back. You need to call me!