Monday, July 28, 2008


O.K. so my mom has this friend that owns a dairy farm and she thought it would be fun to take the kids there to see where all the dairy products they love so much actually come from. It was quite an experience. Out of respect for the poor heifers I didn't post the pics. of their udders actually dragging on the ground as they are herded into the milking stalls. They produce as much as 7 gallons of milk a day, yeah that's right ladies 7 GALLONS. And I thought I would explode when I had 6oz. in each side. Anyway........the kids had a blast and I wish you could have seen their faces as our little Mexican friend shot milk STRAIGHT from a teet into his mouth, (see photo below). It was quite an education.

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1 comment:

cjdustin said...

Those are a lot of boy cousins! Were they all yours???