Friday, December 12, 2008


If you don't already know it, A.J. is fascinated by holiday lights which he calls "pidy lights". He also LOVES cars, Cars the movie, cars as in match-box, or any other moving vehicle with wheels including motorcycles and airplanes. We thought that we would be super-star parents and take him to Portland Int. Raceway where he could indulge in both of his fancies. At PIR every year they do this big holiday lights display and you pay an arm and a leg to drive 5mph around the Formula One race track and take it all in. So for family night last week we went over there and then got Burgerville Chocolate hazelnut milkshakes after. (Ryan's favorite and so I had to throw in a pic. of him enjoying his because it makes me so happy) A.J. got to get out of his car seat and help daddy "drive" around the race track. He was beside himself! The pictures are cute but to hear him sigh "pidy lights" and "oooohhh" and see his eyes darting and his hands waving was priceless. The older boys enjoyed pointing things out to him, and we all enjoyed being together. Yeah, it was all pretty much like a hallmark card, and then Caden and Jack started squabbling in the back and I came to and realized we weren't actually in a snow globe. Oh, well it was excellent while it lasted!

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