Thursday, July 17, 2008


I snapped these pics. the other night and seriously I can't even find words to express how I feel when I look at them. This little boy has been such fun to have around, I can't even believe he is almost two!


cjdustin said...

Those pics are so cute and so is the boy. What a precious moment!

Nick & Kerrie Andrews & Family said...

You always have such fun photos! I love reading about all the fun things you guys do! It looks really pretty up there where you live! I'm glad you guys are doing so well!

Deb said...

I love to see a snapshot of your life!! A.J. is adorable!!! I can't believe we took so long to blog. It is great. Sounds like you are doing great!! I can't wait to see you again.

Stacey said...

I love that 2nd picture. Frame it you must! If AJ is almost 2 years then that means Brody is hot on his trail!

Nicole Jackson said...

Fun pictures of Daddy and Son! They look so much alike! A great photo session!